Why Evangelism Doesn't Work: #10 We Don't Love Each Other Part 2 with Pr Matt Parra and Jasper St Bernard

This is part 2 of my conversation with my Christ following Philosopher friend Jasper St. Bernard. In this episode you get to hear two good friends, one black, one white, who love and respect each other, discussing issues of race and culture and what Scripture has to say about seeing each other as equals. May God use it to spark a desire in all of our hearts to learn to love each other as Jesus has loved us. And might we remember that in Christ we are all brethren because He has torn down the middle wall of partition.


Why Evangelism Doesn't Work: #11 The Reason We Don't Do Evangelism with Pr Matt Parra and Charissa Torossian


Why Evangelism Doesn't Work: #9 Conviction with Pr Matt Parra and Boris Jovinov